Enrolling in Medicare by yourself can be confusing. You may not know all the different plans that are available to you, which could result in you losing out on getting the most for your money. You could miss a critical part of coverage you may need, or wind up paying for coverage that is completely irrelevant to your situation. At Triangle Health Insurance Agency, our goal is to get you set up with a plan that makes sense for you, all while not breaking your budget. We’ll get you confidently on track with your Medicare needs.

Medicare Plans Raleigh, NC

Medicare Supplements

Original Medicare, parts A and B are your standard coverage options. They offer coverage on most of the out-of-pocket costs, but they don’t cover everything you may need. Medicare Supplement insurance is designed to pick up where Original Medicare left off. To be eligible, you must be enrolled in part A and B, be 65 years or older, and be a resident in the state you’re applying. If you are already enrolled in a Part C plan, you will not be eligible for a Medicare Supplement plan. The Open Enrollment period for a Medicare Supplement plan spans the six months after you are enrolled in Medicare Part B.

Medicare Advantage

Another option for extra coverage is a Medicare Advantage Plan. Oftentimes these plans are called Medicare Part C. These plans vary in their benefits and cost, but they usually bundle Parts A and B. Many have $0 monthly premiums and offer additional benefits not included in Original Medicare like dental, vision, and hearing coverage. Medicare Advantage plans are a popular choice since they are flexible, convenient, and offer provider freedom. To be eligible, you must already be enrolled in Part A and B and live in the county the plan is provided.

Medicare Advantage Raleigh, NC

Prescription Drug Plans

Medicare Part D is a benefit that adds prescription drug coverage to Original Medicare. It’s important to note that there will be a penalty if you choose not to enroll in a Part D plan. Since these are offered by private insurance companies, the price and coverage will vary. Each plan’s prescription drugs and amount you pay are viable to change if you hit predetermined limits. Each Prescription Drug Coverage Plan (PDP for short) comes with its own formulary, which is a list of the covered drugs. Please keep in mind that coverage of certain drugs is prohibited by law.

If you are looking for a helping hand when it comes to enrolling in Medicare, we have got you covered. Our independent insurance agents are more than qualified to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. All our services are at no additional cost to you, let’s get in touch today!